


  • 公司名稱南通德鑫數(shù)控機床有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2022/10/4 9:30:03
  • 訪問次數(shù)388

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聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

南通德鑫數(shù)控機床有限公司是生產各種活塞環(huán)、凸輪軸、軸瓦等加工設備及數(shù)控機床的專業(yè)公司,座落于沿海開放城市-南通。產品遍布全國包括中國臺灣在內的二十多個省市,部分產品出口到美國、巴西、泰國、伊朗等國家。多種產品成為國內各企業(yè)生產線上的關鍵設備,深受用戶的廣泛好評。Nantong Dexin Numerical Control Machine Tool Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of processing equipment and numerical control machine tools of various kinds of piston rings, camshafts and bearing bush etc. It is located in the coastal open city - Nantong. The products are sold to more than 20 provinces and cities throughout the country, including Taiwan. Some products are exported to the United States of America, Brazil, Thailand, Iran and other countries. Many products become the key equipment in the production lines of domestic enterprises and are praised widely by the users.公司根據(jù)用戶需求,開發(fā)和研制具有較高技術含量的加工中心、仿形銑、機器人等產品。通過幾年的努力奮進,產品質量、研發(fā)能力不斷提高?,F(xiàn)已成為活塞環(huán)、凸輪軸、軸瓦等專業(yè)加工設備及數(shù)控機床研制、生產的企業(yè)。Based on user demand, the company developed and produced the machining centers, contour milling machines, robots and other products with high technology content. After hard work for many years, the product quality, research and development ability are increased rapidly. The company has now become famous professional enterprise to develop and produce the processing equipment and numerical control machine tools of piston rings, camshafts and bearing bushes etc. 司董事長顧德泉率全體員工熱忱歡迎海內外朋友蒞臨惠顧,攜手合作,共同發(fā)展,創(chuàng)造更加輝煌的明天!Mr. Gu Dequan, the chairman of the company, together with all the staff, welcomes warmly the friends at home and abroad for visiting and cooperating for mutual development and bright future.德鑫人本著"只有起跑線,沒有終點線"的發(fā)展理念,"打造,挑戰(zhàn)未來"的品牌戰(zhàn)略,"客戶永遠是對的"的服務理念,確保的產品,的質量,的效率。為客戶提供人性化服務,使產品銷售保持高速增長。Based on the development concept of "only starting line, no finishing line", the brand strategy of "Develop famous brand, challenge future", and the service concept of "The customer is always right", Dexin people can ensure the first-class products, first-class quality and first-class efficiency, provide people oriented services to the customers and maintain the rapid growth of product sales.志存高遠,德懷天下。本公司將一如既往地與海內外新老朋友精誠合作、交流,共創(chuàng)偉業(yè)!Aim high; morality all over the world. The company will cooperate and communicate sincerely as always with old and new friends at home and abroad for our mutual great undertaking!
DX35全自動活塞環(huán)閉口間隙檢測分選機 產品信息
Automatic piston ring silent gap detection
brief introduction

Technical parameters
A 檢測環(huán)徑范圍(Detection ring size range)φ40—φ75
B 檢測分選精度(Detection sorting accuracy)±0.015mm
C 檢測重復性精度(Repeated testing precision)≤±0.015mm
/最小誤差(The maximum/minimum error)
D 檢測分選速度(Detection sorting speed)≤3s
F 檢測顯示精度(Test showed that precision)0.001mm
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