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來源:上海滬沁儀器設備有限公司   2013年07月04日 15:07  

 德國萊寶真空泵油LVO100主要用于萊寶雙級真空泵D系列。 包裝 5L 20L 208L


  LEYBONOL mineral oils are products distilled and refined from crude oil. These do not consist of precisely defined compounds but rather consist of a complex mixture. The way in which the mineral oil is pre-treated and its composition is decisive as to the applications it will be suited for. Depending on the distribution of the hydrocarbons and the dominance of certain properties, mineral oils are grouped according to paraffin-base, naphthenic and aromatic. For the purpose of attaining especially low ultimate pressures, mineral oils must be selected on the basis of a core fraction.

The thermal and chemical resistance of mineral oils has been found to be adequate in the majority of applications.
They offer a high degree of compatibility with elastomers and resistance to hydrolysis


Oil Type Description Product examples ISO VG class Viscosity 
 LVO 100 Mineral oil, free of additives



ISO VG 100 (ca.) at 40 °C mm2/s       95
at 100°C mm2/s      10,5
 LVO 110 Hydrocracked mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC 
≤ SV 65 A & ≤ SV65 BI (FC)
ISO VG 32 at 40 °C mm2/s        32
at 100°C mm2/s         5,5
 LVO 120 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC 
A Series ≤ SV 65,
B Series ≤ SV 25 B, ≤ SV 65 BI (FC)
ISO VG 32 at 40 °C mm2/s        32
at 100°C mm2/s         5,5
 LVO 130 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC
≥ SV 100, ≥ SV 40 B
ISO VG 68 at 40 °C mm2/s        68
at 100°C mm2/s         9
 LVO 140 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC 
A Series ≤ SV 65,
B Series ≤ SV 25 B, ≤ SV 65 BI (FC)
ISO VG 32 at 40 °C mm2/s        30
at 100°C mm2/s         5
 LVO 150  Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC
≥ SV 100, ≥ SV 40 B
ISO VG 68 at 40 °C mm2/s        63
at 100°C mm2/s         8
 LVO 160  Hydrocracked mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC
≥ SV 100, ≥ SV 40 B
 ISO VG 68 at 40 °C mm2/s        68
at 100°C mm2/s         9


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