

StepOne™ 實時PCR系統(tǒng)

  • 公司名稱深圳市研盟科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2024/5/27 12:56:01
  • 訪問次數(shù)102

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StepOne™ 實時PCR系統(tǒng) 產(chǎn)品信息


The StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System is a 48-well, low-throughput Real-Time PCR instrument perfect for both first-time and experienced users. The StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System can be setup in a variety of configurations and comes ready to use, out of the box, with intuitive data analysis and instrument control software. Utilizing robust LED based 3-color optical recording, the StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System is designed to deliver precise, quantitative Real-Time PCR results for a variety of genomic research applications.

Features of the The StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System include:

? Advanced software and instrumentation for performing a wide array of genomic assays.

? Sensitive 3-color optical LED recording system

? Intuitive and robust software perfect for both first-time and advanced users

? Simple and flexible instrument set-up and usage

StepOne™ Software

The StepOne™ Software included with the StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System runs on Windows® XP, Window Vista®, and Windows® 7 operating systems and provides instrument control, data collection, and data analysis capabilities. This latest version includes capabilities to collect melt curve data for High Resolution Melt (HRM) applications and the option to export in Real-Time PCR Data Markup Language (RDML) for compatibility with MIQE guidelines.

Rapid and Simple Assay Set-Up

This remarkably simple Real-Time PCR system is designed with an LCD touchscreen and a user-friendly interface that brings the power of genetic studies to researchers new to Real-Time PCR (Fig 1). The intuitive software and protocol wizards help guide new users through their Real-Time PCR experiments. The StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System also includes a quick-start setup so that you start a run immediately and enter plate information at a later time.

Sensitive LED-Based 3-Color Fluorescence Reading

The StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System utilizes a long-life LED-based optical system that can record fluorescence from FAM™/SYBR® Green, VIC®/JOE™, and ROX™ dyes. This cost-effective, 3-color, 48-well system delivers precise, quantitative Real-Time PCR results and saves data from all filters in every run without depending on a computer or plate setup. It can discriminate between 2 populations of 5,000 and 10,000 template copies of a TaqMan® assay with 99.7% confidence.

Compatible with Many Genomic Analysis Techniques

Perform a variety of standard and demanding genetic analysis research techniques on one instrument using the user friendly StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System and software. The StepOne™ System supports many Real-Time PCR applications, including the following:

? SNP Genotyping

? Gene Expression Analysis

? MicroRNA Expression

? Translocation Analysis

? Gene Detection

? Viral Load Analysis

The included StepOne™ Software supports a variety of analysis methods, including the following:

? Standard Curve (absolute quantitation)

? Relative Standard Curve

? Comparative Ct (ΔΔCt) (relative quantitation)

? Genotyping and Presence/Absence

? Melt Curve Analysis

? High Resolution Melting (additional software required)

Versatile Instrument Configuration Options

The ultra-compact footprint of a StepOne™ System can be installed in multiple distinct configurations, providing unmatched flexibility and convenience that can allow a fit in any laboratory (Fig 2). The StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System can be used via a PC, with a PC connected to a Local Area Network (LAN), or as a stand-alone instrument (PC-free). Each StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System is factory-calibrated for optical and thermal accuracy, so simply remarkable Real-Time PCR results can be obtained right out of the box.

Real-Time Data Monitoring, Dissemination, and Storage

The system measures amplification as it occurs, allowing you to monitor the progress of your experiment cycle by cycle, either on the machine or remotely. Your data is stored on the instrument itself, and can be viewed and stored automatically via remote access or transferred via or a USB flash drive. Data can also be conveniently exported as PowerPoint®, Excel®, and graphical image files.

Expanded Gene Expression Capabilities

The advanced software provided with the StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System now includes the powerful Gene Expression Study Package. This software package allows for greater flexibility and accuracy in your gene expression assays through:

? Analysis of an unlimited number of plates in one study

? Sorting of data by biological or technical replicate group

? Use of multiple endogenous controls

? Assay efficiency correction

High Resolution Melting Capability

Now with High Resolution Melt Software v3.0 you can perform post-PCR sequence variation analysis with the StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System. This separately purchased software simplifies set-up by maintaining assay specific settings and accepts pasted plate layout information directly from Excel. HRM Software v3.0 also has an improved clustering algorithm for increased sensitivity and accuracy, and the ability to conduct separate analyses of multiple assays run on a single plate.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.


Calibrated Dye:

FAM™, JOE™, ROX™, SYBR® Green I, VIC®


1 x 48-well plate, 48 x 0.1 ml tubes

Detection Method:

Primer-Probe Detection, SYBR


24.6 cm/9.7 in.(W) x 42.7 cm/16.8 in.(D) x 51.2 cm/20.2 in.(H)

Dynamic Range:

Linear Dynamic Range greater than 9 log units (detection)

For Use With (Equipment):



0.1 ml tubes, 48-well Plate

Green Features:

Energy efficient, Fewer resources used and less waste

High Throughput Compatibility:



3 emission filters, LED, photodiode

Passive Reference Dye:

No ROX, ROX (Pre-mixed), ROX (Separate Tube)

Peak Block Ramp Rate:


Product Line:


Product Size:

1 instrument

Reaction Speed:

Fast, Standard

Reaction Volume Range:

10-30 µl (Standard curve experiments: 40 µl in standard mode is validated)

Run Time:

<2 hrs?run (Standard Mode), <40 min?run (Fast Mode)

Sample Ramp Rate:

Fast mode: ± 2.2°C?sec, Standard mode: ± 1.6°C?sec


1 copy

Temperature Accuracy:

0.25°C (35 to 95°C) of display temperature

Temperature Range (Metric):


Temperature Uniformity:

0.25°C (35 to 95°C) of setpoint/display temperature

Thermal Cycling System:

Peltier-Based System


23.6 kg (52 lbs.)


This system consists of a StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System 48-well instrument (without a computer).

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