


  • 公司名稱彪維流體設(shè)備(上海)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號斯派莎克對夾式止回閥DCV3
  • 所  在  地上海
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2024/2/29 11:15:22
  • 訪問次數(shù)171

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彪維流體設(shè)備(上海)有限公司是專業(yè)從事各類閥門及機械設(shè)備的企業(yè),位于享譽國際盛名城市--上海, 主要產(chǎn)品有各種規(guī)格的球閥、針型閥、截止閥、閘閥、止回閥、蝶閥、阻火器、排氣閥、排泥閥、過濾器、放料閥、隔膜閥、旋塞閥、柱塞閥、平衡閥、調(diào)節(jié)閥、疏水閥、電磁閥、呼吸閥、管夾閥等,產(chǎn)品的規(guī)格齊全,應(yīng)用廣泛涉及到石油、化工、電力、冶金、食品、水處理、市政給排水、天燃氣、造紙、電子工業(yè)、樓宇、機械設(shè)備配套等領(lǐng)域。公司為了更滿足用戶的需求??砂从脩粜枰謩e采用手動、氣動、電動、電液聯(lián)動等驅(qū)動方式??煞謩e選用球鐵、碳鋼、不銹鋼、合金鋼、耐熱鋼等材質(zhì)。產(chǎn)品采用有GB國家標準、行業(yè)標準、美國API、ASME、ANSI、日本JIS、英國BS、德國DIN等國際標準,廣泛用于電廠、石油、化工、冶金、礦山、天然氣、輕工紡織、造紙、食品、市政、建筑、自來水、環(huán)保等行業(yè)。 
斯派莎克對夾式止回閥 產(chǎn)品信息
    Spirax Sarco Check Valve Details:
             Spirax Sarco provides various forms of non-return valve , which can effectively prevent the backflow of fluid pipes . Easy to install and maintain .
        DCV Series Check Valve Disc Check Valves
        L bad check valve DCV system compact structure , easy to install. Can be installed in vertical or horizontal pipe or inclined pipelines , simply two flanges on the folder to install.
        DCV2 / B Series Check Valve uses a special structure , specifically for boiler feed water, boiler water to prevent backflow .
        DCV check valve for steam and a variety of liquids, gases and other industrial systems , and provides various options depending on the application :
    Seat options:
    Spirax Sarco metal seat (Metal): - suitable for steam or other high temperature fluid systems .
    Temperature range -200 ℃ ~ 400 ℃.
    Rubber seat (Viton): - applies to oil and gas systems , to ensure a good seal .
    Temperature range -15 ℃ ~ 250 ℃.
    EPDM seat (EPDM): - for water systems.
    Temperature range -50 ℃ ~ 150 ℃
    Spirax Sarco check valve spring options:
    Standard spring - with a dry steam, water and many other industrial fluid system .
    Nickel-chromium alloy spring - for high temperature systems.
    Strong spring - for boiler feedwater system .
    No springs - for low flow pressure loss system . Only for vertically upward flow in the pipeline .
    Spirax Sarco SDVC series check valves Split Disc Check Valves
        SDCV series split disc check valve flange on the clip can be used for a variety of industrial fluids such as steam , condensate , hot water system, prevent backflow of fluids in pipes .
        Offers a variety of material selection, maximum diameter of DN300.
    LCV Series Check Valve Lift Check Valves
        LCV Series lift check valves installed in horizontal pipe can be used for a variety of steam , condensate and hot water systems.
        The connection is a threaded connection , the maximum diameter of 80mm (3 ").
    LCV Series Check Valve Lift Check Valves
        LCV Series lift check valves installed in horizontal pipe can be used for a variety of steam , condensate and hot water systems.
    Connection to threaded connections , the maximum diameter of 80mm (3'').


        DCV系列止回閥Disc Check Valves




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