HSW-1K系列 拉壓兩用式稱重傳感器
微測力傳感器在受到外力作用后,粘貼在彈性體的應變片隨之產生形變引起電阻變化,電阻變化使組成的惠斯登電橋失去平衡輸出一個與外力成線性正比變化的電量電信號。美國Transducer Techniques HSW系列小型測力傳感器應用:微型測力傳感器適用于空間有限的測力,廣泛應用于工業(yè),科研等領域。
The HSW Series is hermetically sealed for use in harsh industrial environments. All ranges are made from 17-4ph heat treated stainless steel and incorporate a stainless steel molded connector system designed to resist wash down and most chemicals. The mating connector, sold separately, is available in three different cable lengths.
As with our SW0 Series, the Transducer HSW Series offers high accuracy, low deflection, fast frequency response, and good output (millivolt) compliance between tension and compression.
HSW-1K系列 拉壓兩用式稱重傳感器