


  • 公司名稱(chēng)南京騰陽(yáng)干燥設(shè)備廠
  • 品       牌南京騰陽(yáng)
  • 型       號(hào)非標(biāo)訂做
  • 所  在  地南京市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時(shí)間2024/6/3 21:02:28
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)8575
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聯(lián)系我們時(shí)請(qǐng)說(shuō)明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

   南京騰陽(yáng)干燥設(shè)備廠是中國(guó)制藥、化工、食品等機(jī)械行業(yè)重點(diǎn)骨干企業(yè),位于經(jīng)濟(jì)繁榮的古城-----南京。有著得天獨(dú)厚的地理環(huán)境,毗鄰滬寧鐵路、滬寧高速及312國(guó)道線。 本廠匯集了一批高層次、高素質(zhì)的專(zhuān)業(yè)人才,采用了選進(jìn)的經(jīng)營(yíng)管理方法,建立了完整的質(zhì)量保證體系。具有先進(jìn)的產(chǎn)品試驗(yàn)設(shè)備、檢驗(yàn)儀器 和加工設(shè)備,擁有優(yōu)良的產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)環(huán)境和產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)線。 我廠具有豐富的干燥設(shè)備設(shè)計(jì)、制造經(jīng)驗(yàn),生產(chǎn)的各種干燥設(shè)備已廣泛應(yīng)用于制藥、化工、食品、農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品加工等多種領(lǐng)域,產(chǎn)品全國(guó)。 本廠宗旨:營(yíng)銷(xiāo)策略優(yōu)惠靈活,售后服務(wù)完善周到,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量精益求精。 美麗的南京歡迎您的到來(lái)!


蒸汽熱風(fēng)循環(huán)加熱桶裝樹(shù)脂油脂保溫箱 產(chǎn)品信息
  • 蒸汽熱風(fēng)循環(huán)加熱桶裝樹(shù)脂油脂保溫箱概述:I. overview:


本公司開(kāi)發(fā)高性能的騰陽(yáng)牌大型烘箱和加熱室,可以對(duì)溫度控制。溫度偏差小,自動(dòng)化程度高,干燥和加熱時(shí)受熱均勻,并伴有熱風(fēng)均勻吹拂被干燥的特殊裝置。性能可靠。本公司已成功為浙江和天津 南京某外資油品企業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)、安裝了60-100㎡的大型烘房和150㎡的加熱室。已*使用了六年。高性能的騰陽(yáng)牌大型烘房和加熱室,廣泛應(yīng)用于潤(rùn)滑油品和添加劑和高級(jí)陶瓷行業(yè)的模具和產(chǎn)品的干燥,而且能源得到好的利用,是良好的節(jié)能設(shè)備。南京騰陽(yáng)干燥設(shè)備廠可以提供從設(shè)計(jì)、制造、安裝和售后服務(wù)的*優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)。

I. overview:

The company to develop high performance of the large oven and heating room, can be accuray controlled temperature. Small temperature deviation, high degree of automation, heating, drying and heat evenly, and accompanied by even hot air blowing drying special device. Reliable performance. The company has been successfully for the Zhejiang and Tianjin Nanjing a foreign oil companies design, installed heating chamber of 60-100 square meters large drying room and 150 square meters. Has been used for six years without fault. High performance of the large baking room and heating room, widely used in lubricating oil and additives and advanced ceramic industry mold and product drying, and energy is the best use, is a good energy-saving equipment. Nanjing Teng Yang drying equipment factory can provide from the design, manufacture, installation and after-sales service to the full range of quality services.



Two, structural characteristics and working principle:

The thermal air circulation system of the heating box adopts the horizontal circulating air supply mode of vertical motor, and the air circulation is uniform and efficient. Fengyuan by cyclic send wind motor drives the wind wheel via a stainless steel electric heating tube, and the hot air along the side of the air duct is sent, via air duct to an oven chamber, the use of air inhalation air duct at the top become air re circulation heating, with one set of circulating fan on top, enough wind and air pressure to ensure that the indoor temperature uniformity. When the door action of the switch insulation box causes the temperature value to swing, the air circulation system can be sent to resume operation state temperature value. The type of oven in the working temperature, the box automatically control system to make the temperature constant temperature. Heat source is heated by electric heating, stable operation, automatic temperature control, heat source can be used for electric heating, temperature sensor measurement and calculation of PID auto setting function, temperature control accuracy of 1, heating, heating, constant temperature, automatic temperature control, and a digital display set temperature and oven temperature. The thermal insulation box is strong, easy to operate, stable in industrial strong jamming environment, and is equipped with over temperature warning lamp. In order to guarantee the implementation of the components and the test piece, the whole system is made up of over temperature protective device.

The company to develop high performance of the large oven and heating room, can be accuray controlled temperature. Small temperature deviation, high degree of automation, heating, drying and heat evenly, and accompanied by even hot air blowing drying special device. Reliable performance. The company has been successfully for the Zhejiang and Tianjin Nanjing a foreign oil companies design, installed heating chamber of 60-100 square meters large drying room and 150 square meters. Has been used for six years without fault. High performance of the large baking room and heating room, widely used in lubricating oil and additives and advanced ceramic industry mold and product drying, and energy is the best use, is a good energy-saving equipment. Nanjing Teng Yang drying equipment factory can provide from the design, manufacture, installation and after-sales service to the full range of quality services.

三. 加熱烤箱外觀結(jié)構(gòu)形式、耐用性


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